Friday, January 14, 2011

First week involved, needles and lots of blood

Ok so if you get woosy at the mention of blood, you may want to stop the reading now.

I did my first IV and blood draw yesterday in clinical and well it went ok I guess. I missed the vein of my very good friend going just to the side so my instructor slid it in for me and we were good to go! But I did awesome at the blood draw and was so excited that I got it that I forgot what I was doing and drew a lot, A LOT of blood. It's ok tho-the price of education(as a student nurse anyway). So my friend was the same way and we were taking pictures(i know nurses are a little odd)and so we both had very full vials of blood. Things are back to crazy around our house, dishes are still in the sink from last night, laundry is piled to the ceiling, ect, ect. But everyone is healthy and things are going good.

Some day it will all be back to normal...but till then...we love crazy!

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