Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to life

So I am not sure how I feel about all this real life stuff. I really really like not having a schedule to keep, children really need one. It's a love/hate thing I suppose. So anyway, we are back in the swing of things. The girls are off to school and I am preparing to start yet another semester(only 2 more to go!)

We had a fun New Years Eve at mom and dad Spencers with Trevor and JoDee and sweet Alyssa! We played minute to win it games and they were hilarious and fun...thanks guys for putting it together. It was nice to relax after a pretty rough day! The car that we borrowed from Bob and Diana decided to not run all of the sudden so Brad spent all day New Years Eve trying to figure out what was wrong and I think we finally figured it out, the fuel pump. So we ordered a new one, and I am driving put-put till it gets here(put-put, for those who aren't in the know, is the geo metro that my parents bought for Trevor in high school and it is indearingly called put-put, cuz that's all it can do sometimes!) I have an amazing family and don't know what I would do without them!!!

This new year is going to be amazing...I can just feel it!!

1 comment:

Emily Hamilton said...

Happy New Year! Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Good luck with school. You are amazing! You're so close.
The pictures of your kiddos are so cute!