Friday, February 6, 2009


Ok so I know I haven't updated in quite a while. But I wanted to finish the kitchen before I posted any "after" pictures and it still isn't all the way done. It is mostly done and the things left are just little things and only slightly noticable to anyone but Brad and I. It looks really good and we are so glad to get rid of the old stuff. And now I can hardly wait to decorate! My favorite part!!!! I just can't decide on what exactly I want. And it really needs cleaned, so you'll just have to take my word on it that it is good lookin until I find the energy to get down on my hands and knees to scrub the floor! Which the way my belly is expanding it may be a while.

Things around here are going pretty good. Emma and Maycee are both loving school and playing and can't wait for the day they can go to a park again! Their pregnant mother refuses to take them and sit in the snow while they play at the park. So they are patiently waiting for a warm-ish day to go. Emma is quite our little reader these days and it is so great to watch her learn about all these awesome things, she gets all proud when she reads her books, it's so great to see her achieve her goals. And Maycee is still our wonderful Maycee. She loves preschool and while I think it has been really good for her, she still has a lot to work on in the behavior department. However everyone tells me that she is a doll when she is with them, which I hope is really the case and that they aren't just telling me that to make me feel better. But we love her all the same and life would certainly be boring without her around. I am also in school, however I can't use the same adjectives to describe my feelings towards it. I am taking my last math general eduaion class and then I am done until I can start the nursing courses. Math was never my forte and I still to this day can remember the LONG nights at the kitchen table with my dad, going over and over the assignments and it would take hours! But if I can make it through this class then I should be pretty much done with math for quite some time. I should find out in a couple of months if I am going to be able to start nursing school in the fall.

Brad is still going to Park City everyday and likes it in that he gets away from the "city air" for 8 hours everyday. It is really nasty air we have down here and I am not sure after having been above it all day and looking down on it that I would be real willing to come back down in the middle of it. He will be in Park City for another 5 months or so probably and then it will be on to a new job site, maybe a little closer to home, I have heard rumors of the U. That would be lovely on the car.

Our other little project is going really good. He/She is growing and I can feel him/her all the time now. We find out on Monday whether we get to even the score in our family a little or if we get to continue the much overdosed estrogen producing clan we already have. So we will let ya'll know. I haven't really started to retain water yet and I haven't gained as much weight yet either, it's been pretty nice. Other than this baby is sitting right up in my ribs and thinks that they are keys to a piano or something because he/she insists on kicking them all hours of the day or night. I didn't have the problem with Emma or Maycee until they were much bigger and had no choice because they had no room to move about. They joys of motherhood I tell ya!

I am still working at the hospital and really like it. It's a good hospital and good people that work there. I really like going to work and am glad that I was able to find something that I like to do.

Well that's about all for now. Till next time...


The Shumards said...

Sounds like you are all doing great. Enjoy the pains of motherhood now. Believe me I long for feeling the kicks again and wishing I was big and not being able to sleep at night or roll over. There are so many things I took for granted. I am so excited to find out what you're having. Maybe it's a boy since your pregnancy seems different than the last two. Keep us updated. love ya.

Brad & Jaclyn said...

I'm so excited for you Mand!!! I love you and miss all of you so much! I'm excited to see pictures of your kitchen!! There are so many things we take for granted when we have them all the time! Like cars and phones. No worries! I love you lots!!!