Friday, January 9, 2009

I could get used to this...

So since Christmas it has been super quiet at our house. I am feeling really good, and am growing HUGE. Brad says that I should take pics of my ever-expanding belly because we never have before, and my reply was that I don't think anyone wants to see pictures of human whales. So we shall see who wins this one...But I am feeling pretty good and am so greatful for that. This time around has been kind of different than with the girls, so I am kind of thinking that we may have a boy this time around...We should find out the end of January or the first part of February.

It has been so nice not to have school and just be lazy. I decided that I am one of those mom's that likes the breaks from school. I am so not a morning person and it is rough to get out the door every morning for school. But we make it, most of the time.

To ring in the New Year this year, we were pretty low key. I helped the girls make New Years Masks and noise makers (that they would never use, but it was fun anyway) and we went to my parents house for dinner and had filet mignon and sauteed mushrooms and root beer floats, among all the chips and dip and snack foods that you could ever imagine. It was fun and I always love it when we are able to spend time with family. Then we came home and watched some movies, the girls went to bed and Brad and I just vegged. It was pretty low-key.

Now it is back to school and work and all that good stuff. I start the next semester on Monday and Emma and Maycee went back this last Monday. I am only taking a math class this semester so it shouldn't be too bad(and it's online)and then I just have to wait to get started in a nursing program. Then about 12-15 classes and I will be done! Things are good.

Till next time...

1 comment:

Brad & Jaclyn said...

Hey Mandy! I just wanted to say hi and I miss you!! I love you lots!