Monday, November 24, 2008

It's a BOY!!!

Well that is according to the Ancient Chinese Birth Chart...My cousin said to try it and see what it says you are going to have, it's a goofy little thing that is suppose to be 93% accurate, and she says that all her friends have been right who have done it. So it says that we have a 58% chance of a boy and 42% chance of a girl. I don't know, I am thinking at this point that our chances of a boy are pretty slim...I guess we will see...


April and Jared Fenn said...

I'm a little behind on your blog reading. Did I understand that you're PREGNANT?? I will spread the word and everyone here in your old ward will be super duper happy. Are you guys just loving the home??

Heidi #1 said...

I love the boys and I personally hope it is a boy. However, you are so great with your girls I don't know how you can not have another girl! It will be fun to see!

Alicia Hanson said...

Ok, I thought you were serious!! However, the chinese chart worked for my kids, so maybe you are having a boy!! Can not wait to find out! It is Emma's turn to come over and play, so I will call you sometime, or call me when you need to nap!!

Love Alicia