Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What a Day!

So yesterday was the big day for Maycee, she had her surgery and while the sugery went great and she now has tubes in her ears and she no longer has adenoids in her nose, the recovery is interesting to say the least. The recovery is always the worst part of any surgery anyway, but with a three year old I think it is a little more challenging. She was pretty ok to begin with until they took her from me to take her to the surgery. She screamed all the way down the hall while the nurse was holding her(I think at that point it was probably routine with little kids, oh,but wait it gets better!) They got her sedated and the actual surgery went really fast, it only took the doctor about 45 minutes to do it and then Maycee woke up in about 20 minutes, and that is when the fun started! They had to insert a breathing tube in her while she was sedated because she had to be completely out, and then they started an IV in her for the remainder of the surgery(they initially knocked her out with a gas mask, bubble gum smelling!) So when she woke up she had this tube down her throat and this IV in her hand and did she ever let them know that she was not a happy camper about it! The recovery nurse came to get Brad and I and we could hear her screaming clear in the other room! You know I really thought that maybe it was because of her ears that she was so loud, but I think she is just a loud girl. So they removed the breathing tube, which Maycee informed Emma later that they put this yellow tube down her throat and it tasted like "scum". And then she was trying to rip out her IV and she wouldn't let the nurse touch her to take it out and when the nurse finally got it out she wouldn't let anyone hold her hand so that we could stop the bleeding so she had blood squirting everywhere, and all the while she was thrashing and kicking and screaming bloody murder. Needless to say the nurses couldn't get any vitals so they figured that she was plenty awake and very aware and so they sent us home, VERY short recovery for that one! They were so glad to see her go that when she wanted to wear the hospital gown home they said ok! It took me a good 3-4 hours to get her to calm down enough so that she didn't scream everytime you looked at her even! Thank goodness it's over! Now she has drops to ward off infection and while she isn't thrilled about it she does let you put them in. Anyway-she is pretty much back to normal now and just as loud and strong willed as ever! Brad took some pics when we got home and if looks could kill...

Anyway, that's all for now...till next time...

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

You must be so glad the surgery is over! Hopefully she will start feeling a lot better. It's such a relief! Congratulations to the Pre-school Grad! You are not old enough to have a little girl going into Kindergarden. But then again, I do love being the youngest mom around. It makes us feel young and hip, right! :)