Monday, May 12, 2008

Miscellanious Stuff

So this past week has been pretty uneventful, so I am not even sure why I am posting anything. I worked almost 30 hours last week at the hospital, which is a lot since I have only worked that much in one month for the past year and a half, but I really like it there so I don't mind it that much.
Yesterday being Mother's Day, we went to church and the primary did their usual song in Sacrament Meeting and Maycee was VERY upset that she wasn't able to go up and sing too with Emma. They were both so well behaved in church yesterday except for that one outburst from Maycee, I was so excited! It was nice to actually be able to pay attention to the speakers. However Maycee was a little anoid at the baby in back of us, he was fussy and Maycee turned to me and said, "Mom, he isn't being quiet!" After church the girls and I went to visit with my parents and the girls always love to go to Grandmas house. Then we headed up to Heber for dinner with Brad's family. Both Greg and Colby were home from school so the girls got to see them too, it was a good visit and then we headed back home and the girls went to bed. It was a pretty long day, it always is when you have an hour drive one way to visit family. The girls usually do pretty good, but they do tend to get car sick going up and down the canyon and Emma wasn't an exception last night so we rolled down the windows and her and I practiced some deep breathing to try to settle her stomach, it worked and she made it home without throwing up in the car! Brad was so greatful since it is his car that he drives to Park City for work everyday.
Jessica sent me the pics from when we went to see baby Braxton as Emma and Maycee refer to him. So here they are...

So, anyway, I am still waiting to here from the surgical center on what time Maycee will have her surgery done, she is going to be such a lovely, not aunery at all child tomorrow, I can't wait!!!! But hopefully this will help her issues and she will eventaully be a happier child. Well that's about all for now, till next time...

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