Monday, August 8, 2011

A Day at the Lake

We decided to take the kids to Willard Bay and let them swim for the day. They had a blast and we decided that we really need to invest in some watercraft for next summer! Brad put his shirt back on since he was feeling the sun on his back, however his feet are a different story and my back is feeling the effects of the sun...ouch!

Emma is our resident fish...she LOVES the water!
And Maycee didn't do too bad...she loved to play in it too
But this is more her thing!
Wyatt wanted to ride the waverunners sooooo bad, he was so mad when he couldn't!
Emma got Grandpa and Uncle Trevor to throw her out of the water and she ended up doing a little flip
It was way fun and we definately need to do more of it!

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