Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Here we go again!

This time it's Wyatt's turn. He came down with a cold Sunday night and woke up in the middle of the night and was having a real hard time breathing. I started breathing treatments on him and we ventured to the doctor's office and they decided that it looked too much like Asthma so we have him on all kinds of meds to keep him out of the hospital and so far so good. He is still having a bit of trouble but it's getting better. Something in his and Maycee's genes...they are the two that look the most alike and they both end up with asthma.

1 comment:

Heidi #1 said...

That is so sad to hear. I hate plauging genes. The vice in our family is ears. Both Ben and Noah have had multiple surgeries to correct cholesteathoma in their inner ears. I took Seth to the ENT doctor yesterday because he has persistant fluid in his ear and they are putting in tubes next week. I guess every family has a plauge, and at least we know what ours are and how to deal. Sorry little man! (and mom)