Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So I am done with this first semester of nursing school and I rocked it!!! A's in all 4 classes, and they say the first semester is one of the hardest! I am going to be one kick a** nurse! I really had a good time and while it was crazy hard and I studied my butt off for the last 4 months I am so excited to be 1/4 the way done! I have made some good friends with a couple of the girls and we study really well together and it made a difference I think.

Now I have spent the last 4 or 5 days catching up on everything that got pushed to the side for the last 4 months. I cleaned my house and did the laundry, and folded it and put it away. See it would get washed and then never folded and my poor children had to dig through the piles to find clothes to wear. My goal this summer is to come up with a system to help our house run a little better when mommy is studying and not able to do it all, so if you have any suggestions let me know.

Then it was Mother's Day and I had to work, which isn't all bad. I only work every other weekend so I don't feel like I can ask for a lot of time off and it just worked out that my weekend was this one so I worked it. I made cute little corkboard things for my mom and mother-in-law and then I got flowers and I am going to go get a pedicure and manicure someday soon. I am so thankful for my husband and awesome children, after the last four months they deserve all kinds of whatever they want, they were(and still are) amazing. I am so greatful to be called their mom and wife.

Emma is in full count-down mode to summer. While she loves school the early morning part has never been her forte so she is excited that she gets to sleep in soon!

Maycee is truckin' along in preschool and looking forward to kindergarten, with a little hesitation. She isn't all go like Emma was but she will love it once she gets there I am sure.

Wyatt is rolling ALL over the place. He does the army crawl but he gets around so good as is that it may be a while till he decides to crawl for real. He shows no interest in walking and you can tell he is baby number 3, very relaxed boy! He may have asthma too. He started breathing funny again last Friday and so I took him to the doc and they are pretty sure that it is asthma. She said that where he had RSV last winter he is more prone and wear Maycee has it now too it makes the odds more in favor of asthma. So we were ordered a nebulizer and have had to do breathing treatments on him all weekend. They are starting to slow down now so hopefully we are good for a while. We have been able to control Maycee's really well so far and while she still shows symptoms we haven't had a major asthma attack since last October. And now that we have the nebulizer I feel pretty confident in my skills so hopefully we can really control both their symptoms good now. It just makes me wonder why all of the sudden they both have asthma, especially when there is no history in either family, wierd...stress does crazy things to your body I guess and it's been just a tad stressful around our house lately!

Brad is working tons of overtime at the Huntsman Cancer addition. He has been averaging about 50-60 hours a week, good for the money, but he has no time to spend any of it, the irony of it all! But he doesn't mind working a lot I don't think now that he is in more of a management position.

And his little Brother comes home from his mission on Thursday so the kids and I are making a big welcome home sign to hang in the yard with balloons and stuff. We are all excited to welcome him back home! He hasn't ever met Wyatt before and the girls have grown up a lot so they are excited to see him.

Well that about sums it up for now. Till next time...

1 comment:

The Playin' Lakins said...

Nice job on the straight A's! Keep rockin it!!!