Friday, June 5, 2009

What a Year!!!!

Well, it's all over(at least until next August!) We had both Kindergarten and Preschool graduation programs and the girls were darling and have had such great years with wonderful teachers! Words cannot express the gratitude for these amazing ladies. Both Emma and Maycee's teachers awe me with what they are able to do with these kids, they are talented! They really love what they do because there is no way that I would do what they do for what they are compensated for!

For Emma's Kindergarten graduation she was the only kindergartner asked to participate in the program(everyone sang, but she was the only one with a speaking part) So we decided that she was the equivalent of the Kindergarten Valedictorian. She did so well and we are very proud of her. It makes me cry to think that she is growing up! But I am so excited at the same time to see her accomplishments, she is going places baby...

Maycee was so darling in her little program too and sang all the songs and did all the actions. She has had so much fun in preschool this year and I am glad that she was able to go.

All in all it has been a great school year! Now on to bigger and better things, but first a little fun in the sun!


The Playin' Lakins said...

LOVE Maycee's dress!!

April and Jared Fenn said...

yippee! Congrats to your darling little girls. I can't believe how grown-up they are!

Heidi #1 said...

So much fun! Can;t believe how old you are!!! lol! Any baby yet?