Monday, April 20, 2009

30 Weeks!

I made it 30 weeks! But now my blood pressure won't stay down and so I have to call the doc and see what she thinks. This is farther than I made it before and so I guess I can be thankful for that. So we will see what happens... I am not retaining the water like I have in the past though(so far anyway) and that's a good thing. But the headaches are terrible...stupid blood pressure...why do we even need it in the first place? (Oh ya it's that whole got to stay alive idea) Anyway-Brad insisted on taking a picture of my belly so for your viewing pleasure-here I am!


The Playin' Lakins said...

You do look fabulous!

Tara said...

I did not know you have not made it to 30 weeks with the others! Congrats on that! Hopefully everything goes well with this one!
You look awesome!

April and Jared Fenn said...

so exciting! I can't wait for you to post pics of the cutie!