Saturday, May 3, 2008

So the latest in the Hyde family saga is this...

I took Maycee to the Ear, Nose and Throat doc and he said that her hearing loss combined with the time already waited for the fluid to clear up in her ears was long enough that she is a good candidate for tubes. So we scheduled for them to be put in on May 13th. He is also going to remove her adenoids, which are kind of like tonsils only not as bad. They are located at the back of her nose right in front of her ears. It isn't a bad thing, he said that this would help prevent the fluid from reaching her ears when she has allergies, which is what he thinks is causing the issue anyway. The surgery itself isn't that long, it will last about an hour for him to do both , and she will be under general anesthesia, which might prove to be interesting with Maycee, but she has proven me wrong the last couple of times we have had to do anything unfamiliar. My little angel with horns is growing up! She was so big and did all the little things for her hearing tests just like the doctor asked. She just walked right up to the sound room and sat right in the chair, I went "Wait a second here, where is my Maycee" but she is growing up, it's really sad actually... So anyway, she will be all good to go by Disneyland, we'll just have to put putty in her ears to swim.

Emma finished her dance class this last Friday and she had loved it so much. Maycee loved the last class as well because the dancers got to bring someone to dance with them and of course Maycee went with Emma. It was so funny, it's times like this that I need a video camera because words just cannot describe the scene. Jaclyn and I were laughing histerically, the other people there were probably anoid at us but we couldn't help it.

1 comment:

Spencers said...

How stinking cute!! I can't believe how long Emma's legs are in that picture. She looks like a beautiful ballerina. Let me know if you need anything concerning Maycee's ears.