Thursday, May 22, 2008

Preschool Graduation!

So my Emma is a preschool graduate! I know it's not really that big of a deal but I can't believe that she is old enough to be doing this kind of thing. I am going to miss her so much when she goes to school. As we were sitting in graduation her teacher Miss Cynthia had them each stand up and reiceve their little yearbook that she had made and then Miss Cynthia said something about each child and when she got to Emma, she said just how special Em was and that she was a great leader in their class. And I was talking to my mom afterwards and we both commented on just how special Emma really is(we have commented before on it of course.) But Emma was born at a very special time in my life and when she was born it softened so many hearts and there is something about Emma that you just can't help but smile when you see her. Heavenly Father knew just what I needed at that time in my life and what it would take for me to decide to make some changes in my life. And he sent me the most angelic child. Her personality is so sweet and innocent. And there are others in our family that have benefited greatly from Emma coming to be a part of our family, many attitudes about life have changed for the better. She is an amazing girl, and her Dad and I are so proud of her and the example she is to all of her friends and family.

Maycee is our other beautiful girl and we are so glad that she is apart of our family too, it would be so boring without her and I wouldn't have gained the great mothering skills without her. She is a challenge at times but she has taught me patience and she has taught me discipline. It is so amazing to watch your children grow up, and it happens way too fast. I am so glad that I have the wonderful, strong children that I do.

This of course is one of the more challenging times with Maycee, she didn't want to eat her dinner because apperently I put the chicken on top of her buscuit and that is not how she wanted it. Brad and I thought we just had to capture this moment to make sure that whomever she meets when she gets older really knows what they are getting into! She has her moments, that's for sure! But like I said it would be really boring without her around!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What a Day!

So yesterday was the big day for Maycee, she had her surgery and while the sugery went great and she now has tubes in her ears and she no longer has adenoids in her nose, the recovery is interesting to say the least. The recovery is always the worst part of any surgery anyway, but with a three year old I think it is a little more challenging. She was pretty ok to begin with until they took her from me to take her to the surgery. She screamed all the way down the hall while the nurse was holding her(I think at that point it was probably routine with little kids, oh,but wait it gets better!) They got her sedated and the actual surgery went really fast, it only took the doctor about 45 minutes to do it and then Maycee woke up in about 20 minutes, and that is when the fun started! They had to insert a breathing tube in her while she was sedated because she had to be completely out, and then they started an IV in her for the remainder of the surgery(they initially knocked her out with a gas mask, bubble gum smelling!) So when she woke up she had this tube down her throat and this IV in her hand and did she ever let them know that she was not a happy camper about it! The recovery nurse came to get Brad and I and we could hear her screaming clear in the other room! You know I really thought that maybe it was because of her ears that she was so loud, but I think she is just a loud girl. So they removed the breathing tube, which Maycee informed Emma later that they put this yellow tube down her throat and it tasted like "scum". And then she was trying to rip out her IV and she wouldn't let the nurse touch her to take it out and when the nurse finally got it out she wouldn't let anyone hold her hand so that we could stop the bleeding so she had blood squirting everywhere, and all the while she was thrashing and kicking and screaming bloody murder. Needless to say the nurses couldn't get any vitals so they figured that she was plenty awake and very aware and so they sent us home, VERY short recovery for that one! They were so glad to see her go that when she wanted to wear the hospital gown home they said ok! It took me a good 3-4 hours to get her to calm down enough so that she didn't scream everytime you looked at her even! Thank goodness it's over! Now she has drops to ward off infection and while she isn't thrilled about it she does let you put them in. Anyway-she is pretty much back to normal now and just as loud and strong willed as ever! Brad took some pics when we got home and if looks could kill...

Anyway, that's all for now...till next time...

Monday, May 12, 2008

Miscellanious Stuff

So this past week has been pretty uneventful, so I am not even sure why I am posting anything. I worked almost 30 hours last week at the hospital, which is a lot since I have only worked that much in one month for the past year and a half, but I really like it there so I don't mind it that much.
Yesterday being Mother's Day, we went to church and the primary did their usual song in Sacrament Meeting and Maycee was VERY upset that she wasn't able to go up and sing too with Emma. They were both so well behaved in church yesterday except for that one outburst from Maycee, I was so excited! It was nice to actually be able to pay attention to the speakers. However Maycee was a little anoid at the baby in back of us, he was fussy and Maycee turned to me and said, "Mom, he isn't being quiet!" After church the girls and I went to visit with my parents and the girls always love to go to Grandmas house. Then we headed up to Heber for dinner with Brad's family. Both Greg and Colby were home from school so the girls got to see them too, it was a good visit and then we headed back home and the girls went to bed. It was a pretty long day, it always is when you have an hour drive one way to visit family. The girls usually do pretty good, but they do tend to get car sick going up and down the canyon and Emma wasn't an exception last night so we rolled down the windows and her and I practiced some deep breathing to try to settle her stomach, it worked and she made it home without throwing up in the car! Brad was so greatful since it is his car that he drives to Park City for work everyday.
Jessica sent me the pics from when we went to see baby Braxton as Emma and Maycee refer to him. So here they are...

So, anyway, I am still waiting to here from the surgical center on what time Maycee will have her surgery done, she is going to be such a lovely, not aunery at all child tomorrow, I can't wait!!!! But hopefully this will help her issues and she will eventaully be a happier child. Well that's about all for now, till next time...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

So the latest in the Hyde family saga is this...

I took Maycee to the Ear, Nose and Throat doc and he said that her hearing loss combined with the time already waited for the fluid to clear up in her ears was long enough that she is a good candidate for tubes. So we scheduled for them to be put in on May 13th. He is also going to remove her adenoids, which are kind of like tonsils only not as bad. They are located at the back of her nose right in front of her ears. It isn't a bad thing, he said that this would help prevent the fluid from reaching her ears when she has allergies, which is what he thinks is causing the issue anyway. The surgery itself isn't that long, it will last about an hour for him to do both , and she will be under general anesthesia, which might prove to be interesting with Maycee, but she has proven me wrong the last couple of times we have had to do anything unfamiliar. My little angel with horns is growing up! She was so big and did all the little things for her hearing tests just like the doctor asked. She just walked right up to the sound room and sat right in the chair, I went "Wait a second here, where is my Maycee" but she is growing up, it's really sad actually... So anyway, she will be all good to go by Disneyland, we'll just have to put putty in her ears to swim.

Emma finished her dance class this last Friday and she had loved it so much. Maycee loved the last class as well because the dancers got to bring someone to dance with them and of course Maycee went with Emma. It was so funny, it's times like this that I need a video camera because words just cannot describe the scene. Jaclyn and I were laughing histerically, the other people there were probably anoid at us but we couldn't help it.